Posts Tagged ‘love’


(Re-repost): Valentine’s Day Sux!

February 13, 2010


This installment of The Flickering Screen blog actually has its origins in a little Valentine’s Day activity I used to do as a brief respite from the Promethean misery of the soul-devouring workplace where I spent three years in purgatory. I’d burn CDs of love songs then hand them out to my co-workers. Those in happy relationships would get Songs for the Happy Couple and those who were single would receive Songs for the Lonely and Bitter. Since I have fallen squarely in the latter camp for virtually every Valentine’s Day of my life, naturally I attacked that project with a bit more zeal.

So now, on this Valentine’s Day, as I gorge myself on Valentine’s Day M&Ms and Jack Daniels, I present to you my list of movies for the lonely and bitter. Because movies about solitude and broken hearts are more dramatic than silly, frothy fare in which the happy, photogenic couple fall into each others’ arms just before the credits role. Because happy couples are boring and annoying anyway. And because the only Valentine’s Day I spent with a girlfriend entailed me giving her Tiffany bracelet and taking her out to a high-end steakhouse and her drinking too much wine, spewing racial epithets, and then passing out. I hate this fucking holiday.

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Bittersweet Candy: “My Bloody Valentine 3D”

February 14, 2009

200px-bloodyvalentine3dfinalSo it’s Valentine’s Day again, and neither my feelings about the holiday nor my romantic fortunes have changed much (probably a cause/effect relationship there). I toyed with the idea of doing an update to last year’s Love Sux post with even more movies about the way love makes you miserable and alienates you from the smug, condescending people around you in relationships, but I don’t like to repeat myself. Besides, My Bloody Valentine 3D is playing in movie theaters easily accessible to me. What a difference an emotionally-bruising year makes. I’m actually someplace where I can see first-run movies. In the theater. Tell me that’s not a sign. It’s Valentine’s Day and is there a better way to spend it than seeing a movie about a deranged killer brutally murdering happy couples? Give me more of that. So I shook off my melancholy and dragged my sorry carcass and my fractured, banged-up heart to the comforting dark of the movie theater, to watch a movie about a psychotic miner and his trusty pick-axe.
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(Repost) Valentine’s Day sux: Movies for the Lonely and Bitter

February 14, 2009


This installment of The Flickering Screen blog actually has its origins in a little Valentine’s Day activity I used to do as a brief respite from the Promethean misery of the soul-devouring workplace where I spent three years in purgatory. I’d burn CDs of love songs then hand them out to my co-workers. Those in happy relationships would get Songs for the Happy Couple and those who were single would receive Songs for the Lonely and Bitter. Since I have fallen squarely in the latter camp for virtually every Valentine’s Day of my life, naturally I attacked that project with a bit more zeal.

So now, on this Valentine’s Day, as I gorge myself on Valentine’s Day M&Ms and Jack Daniels, I present to you my list of movies for the lonely and bitter. Because movies about solitude and broken hearts are more dramatic than silly, frothy fare in which the happy, photogenic couple fall into each others’ arms just before the credits role. Because happy couples are boring and annoying anyway. And because the only Valentine’s Day I spent with a girlfriend entailed me giving her Tiffany bracelet and taking her out to a high-end steakhouse and her drinking too much wine, spewing racial epithets, and then passing out. I hate this fucking holiday.

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