Posts Tagged ‘elephants’


Bangkok Confidential: 10 Things “The Hangover: Part 2” Missed…

May 30, 2011

I’ve been living in Bangkok for a little over two years now, so naturally when I heard The Hangover 2 would be set here I had to see it ASAP—even though I hadn’t been that thrilled about the first one. And see it I did on Siam Paragon’s premier Enigma: The Shadow Screen—a movie theater so exclusive it refers to itself in the third person. There, laying on a bed, sipping my complimentary drinks and munching on complimentary appetizers and popcorn, I took in The Hangover 2. I gotta say, it was pretty funny. Though it dragged a little in the middle, it rallied and ended on a high note. Still, any resemble between the city onscreen and the real Bangkok is strictly coincidental. That’s too bad, since it represents a lot of missed opportunities. Wanna hear about them? Yes you do, so here is my list of stuff they missed in The Hangover 2:
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Elephants Will Devour Your Soul! “Mammoth”

March 24, 2009

mammothEver since moving to Bangkok, I have had elephants on the brain. Not literally, of course, as they would squash it. Figuratively. This place is lousy with elephants. They adorn damn near everything produced in Thailand. Jaidee, my minion, wears an elephant charm necklace, and the damn things run around my block. Leave the barber shop and set out to buy some mango and sticky rice, next thing you know you’re stuck behind an elephant lazily walking down the sidewalk, checking out the bootleg DVD stands. It’s true. It happened. Now, I have nothing against elephants, mind you, it’s just that life here has become rather pachyderm-centric. So, what better movie to take a look at than Mammoth?

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